Friday afternoon instead of going to the beach we all went to Barnes and Noble. While we were there we decided to go into the mall. While Israel and I walked around XXI, Sean and Judah got me a new shirt! Thanks guys! They said it was a Danie shirt. They were right!
Yesterday when I was vacuuming the vacuum began to smell like something had crawled inside and died. Also the thing underneath it stopped spinning, so we got a new belt for the vacuum - and a new bag!
Judah and I had a sewing lesson. She made a Cutesy Clutch and I made this:
My mother-in-love came by this morning and informed me that the new bag she had made for herself was entirely too big. Darn, I have to keep her darling handmade bag.
Zeb has grown quite a bit since you've last seen him, so he got a new green collar and a bath this weekend. He thinks he's pretty hot stuff. Last night we went to the park near our house. Judah rode her bike and Zeb got to chase her around the park. Israel was on the equipment, so of course Zeb had to go play with her in the sand. Sand would be one of his very favorite things - next to little kids (that's my dog!). I'll post pics of the dog later. My camera battery is taking a short rest.