Well friends we've made it! What a miracle! Sean, my mom and I arrived a week ago and crashed the Weavers. Mom left the next day and since then it feels like we've been in a bit of a whirl wind. Leaving California felt the same way.
Sean worked super hard to unload the moving truck. We had some great reinforcements come in and save the day. Some guys from
this ministry came and helped him. We couldn't have done it without them.
Today we are moving to another basement and continuing our house search. The fun just never stops!
I am actually having a hard time believing that we are here. It kind of felt real when we went to church with the girls yesterday morning. It kinda feels more real today because it is raining and chilly outside. I'm sure we are only days away from glorious leaves. I imagine that it will be a process of letting life in Kansas City and in the IHOP community become a reality. What a great reality!