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Thursday, May 08, 2008

The Exciting Life of Havah Henry

Havah's life is quite exciting right now. Her day begins around 6:00 each morning. She politely lets her Momma know that it's time for breakfast. After breakfast her Momma politely lets her know that it is too early to begin the day, so Havah goes to visit Gram.

After Havah's second breakfast Gram and I get ready to run errands. Havah LOVES to run errands. She gets a new diaper, clean cloths and put in the car seat. This is how she let's me know that she loves it.

After running errands it's time for elevensies. After this mid morning snack Havah loves to sit in her swing (this one she really does love). Thank you Auntie Angela for the wonderful swing!

After a nap the sisters usually get home from school. This is one of Havah's favorite times of the day. In her world she becomes a rock star. Her sisters sing and dance her around the kitchen, change her diapers, sit and talk to her about their day and listen to her talk about hers.

This is where the day blurrs. At this point Havah's Momma is tired and ready for Daddy to come hold her. All throughout the day Havah naps when she wants to, cries when she wants to, poops when she wants to and often cries out very clearly GRAM!! When she says this what she is telling Gram is, "No one is holding me. I have this strange sensation on my back! I think it's the bed. Please come save me."


Jeannie said...

oh my goodness! She is soooo precious! She better learn to scream JeannieBean too!

Anonymous said...

Now that is the life!!!

Jeannie said...

okay, I just really looked at those pictures full size and I think Havah looks like Leah!

sarah true said...

dang you got the sisters changing diapers, kadin needs to learn that!

Norwood Mama said...

Wonderful Havah! We love your life!!!