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Sunday, February 01, 2009

Eat Your Carrots!



Havah wants you to eat your carrots. Each morning we take our Aim Barley, Beets and Carrots because we aren't organized enough (or wealthy) to juice every day. Havah has a 1/4 teaspoon of the Barley Life each morning too. She wants you to have yours too so that she can have the can when you're done. I fill it with buttons or beans so it makes a for a fun filled afternoon.


Jeannie said...

yikes- that's cheaper than juicing??

Danielle said...

Oh Yeah! Fresh Barley leaves, carrots and beets every day? That's more $$ and time preping and cleaning than I'm willing to invest. Jucing fresh food is best, but for us this is a close second.

Ann Kimmel said...

It looks more like Havah is chugging her carrots!

I suppose either way is healthy...

Danielle said...

She loves to chew on carrots too. This morning she bit off a small chunk and swallowed it whole. She cried cuz it hurt when it went down. I'm thinking that we'll no longer let her teeth on carrots.