Havah wants you to eat your carrots. Each morning we take our
Aim Barley, Beets and Carrots because we aren't organized enough (or wealthy) to juice every day. Havah has a 1/4 teaspoon of the Barley Life each morning too. She wants you to have yours too so that she can have the can when you're done. I fill it with buttons or beans so it makes a for a fun filled afternoon.
yikes- that's cheaper than juicing??
Oh Yeah! Fresh Barley leaves, carrots and beets every day? That's more $$ and time preping and cleaning than I'm willing to invest. Jucing fresh food is best, but for us this is a close second.
It looks more like Havah is chugging her carrots!
I suppose either way is healthy...
She loves to chew on carrots too. This morning she bit off a small chunk and swallowed it whole. She cried cuz it hurt when it went down. I'm thinking that we'll no longer let her teeth on carrots.
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