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Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Health Days

I've had a cold for the past few days, so I came home from work at lunch and stayed on the couch. :) Dr Taylor would call this a health day, NOT a sick day.

This was the perfect opportunity for me to photograph the cuttest and funniest girls I have ever met!


The Weaver Family said...

What great entertainment you have for your "day off". I want to come over and play too. (- the chance of getting "healthy"). Miss you Dani.

Jocelynalice said...

they are so fun!!!! i want an israel and judah. can i please borrow them!? maybe israel would be willing to cook for me here in germany?

hope your health day proved healthy.


Jocelynalice said...

they are so fun!!!! i want an israel and judah. can i please borrow them!? maybe israel would be willing to cook for me here in germany?

hope your health day proved healthy.


Danielle said...

I did forget to mention that I feel MUCH better. I'm sure it is due to the highly skilled entertainers.

Christina Wolkenfeld said...

wish i were there. those girls are silly. they were good medicine.